Team Aisling Walking Group

Crestwood Train Station Thompson St., Tuckahoe, NY, United States

Join the Team Aisling Walking Group! Everyone can walk at their own pace, but you will be surrounded by friends and a team spirit!

Weekly Runs

Tibbetts Main Parking Lot

A few of Team Aisling Members get together for a weekly run. While we all meet and kick-off together, runners are free to run at their own pace, no pressure to keep up! Distance may vary based on training goals. You can commit to your own distance. It's all about getting out with friends for the team spirit and motivation to progress in your own journey! Check website for location as it may change on occasion. See you out there!!


Tibbetts Main Parking Lot

Join Team Aisling for our Couch to 5K Series. Summer is on the way and it's time to get off the couch! Everyone can walk/run at their own pace, but you will have a team behind you! Check website on location updates.

Weekly Runs

Tibbetts Main Parking Lot

A few of Team Aisling Members get together for a weekly run. While we all meet and kick-off together, runners are free to run at their own pace, no pressure to keep up! Distance may vary based on training goals. You can commit to your own distance. It's all about getting out with friends for the team spirit and motivation to progress in your own journey! Check website for location as it may change on occasion. See you out there!!


Tibbetts Main Parking Lot

Join Team Aisling for our Couch to 5K Series. Summer is on the way and it's time to get off the couch! Everyone can walk/run at their own pace, but you will have a team behind you! Check website on location updates.

Team Aisling Walking Group

Join the Team Aisling Walking Group! Everyone can walk at their own pace, but you will be surrounded by friends and a team spirit!

Brooklyn Half Marathon Virtual Run

A few Team Aisling members will be gathering to run the Brooklyn Half Marathon Virtual Run. Check back for meetup location.


Tibbetts Main Parking Lot

Join Team Aisling for our Couch to 5K Series. Summer is on the way and it's time to get off the couch! Everyone can walk/run at their own pace, but you will have a team behind you! Check website on location updates.

Weekly Runs

Tibbetts Main Parking Lot

A few of Team Aisling Members get together for a weekly run. While we all meet and kick-off together, runners are free to run at their own pace, no pressure to keep up! Distance may vary based on training goals. You can commit to your own distance. It's all about getting out with friends for the team spirit and motivation to progress in your own journey! Check website for location as it may change on occasion. See you out there!!

Team Aisling 4-Mile Walk/Run

Tibbetts Main Parking Lot

Come out wearing your Team Aisling top proudly! Bring the family, dogs, prams and just have fun! Shirt pick-up will begin at 7:00am. Race will start promptly at 7.30am.

Weekly Runs

Tibbetts Main Parking Lot

A few of Team Aisling Members get together for a weekly run. While we all meet and kick-off together, runners are free to run at their own pace, no pressure to keep up! Distance may vary based on training goals. You can commit to your own distance. It's all about getting out with friends for the team spirit and motivation to progress in your own journey! Check website for location as it may change on occasion. See you out there!!